Business Process Optimization
With this service, we focus on the business processes where issues arise (mistakes, delays, low productivity, quality concerns, missed sales opportunities, difficult customers, etc.) and work on optimizing them.
We start by identifying and documenting the key issues in collaboration with management, while also defining the desired outcomes and the goals to be achieved. Next, we inform the employees and executives of the respective department, share with them the issues under review, highlight the areas we want to improve, and request their input. They are asked to prepare a brief report outlining what they believe should be done. We then conduct meetings / sessions with the team, where we thoroughly analyze the issues and develop solutions. We utilize methods and tools such as brainstorming, fishbone analysis, and others. |
This participatory approach to problem-solving leverages the diverse knowledge, experiences, and perspectives of the team members, while also facilitating the acceptance and implementation of changes.
In addition, we create an operations manual outlining the key processes and how they should be executed. This ensures alignment in individual actions and provides a reference point of best practices for everyone. Finally, we provide training to the staff to help them better understand the procedures and how to implement them in practice. |
Our methodology for process optimization is based on the "Quality Circles" approach, as developed by W. Edwards Deming, which significantly contributed to the development of the Japanese industry. It stems from the management philosophy of "continuous improvement" (Kaizen Principle: everything can and should be continuously improved).